When someone struggles with addiction, they are not the only ones affected. Individuals battling substance abuse can become different versions of themselves and make decisions or behave in ways that hurt their loved ones. Addiction is often isolating, which can make quitting difficult. However, recovery is possible. With proper treatment, individuals can become sober and turn their lives around. In a sober living house, members can transition out of treatment and adjust to their new substance-free lifestyle. They also have the opportunity to work on repairing their relationships with friends and family that may have been damaged because of their previous addiction struggles.
At Harmony Haus, we provide members with a safe and supportive environment during the early stages of their recovery journey. Our sober living homes in Austin, Texas, help reinforce their new lifestyles and the healthy changes they have made. If you are looking for sober living homes for yourself or a loved one, Harmony Haus can help you. Call our team at 877.349.1544 for more information about various programs and services.
What Is a Living Amends?
Individuals living with addiction often push their loved ones away, which can cause significant harm to their relationships. Healing and building a healthy support system is a critical part of the recovery process. To repair relationships, people often need to make a living amends. Understanding the harm you caused the people in your life is critical for reflecting on your addiction. Making a living amends involves apologizing to your loved ones that you hurt and using your actions to prove you have changed and are committed to living a healthier and sober lifestyle.
Apologizing to loved ones can be a challenging and emotional process. At Harmony Haus, we offer the guidance and support members need to navigate this stage in their recovery. Through our various sober living programs and services, our members gain the tools to reflect on their past and communicate more effectively. Reaching out to people you have hurt can be intimidating. However, making an effort to repair relationships will benefit you and your loved ones in the long run.
Understanding the Meaning of Living Amends
Those who are unfamiliar with the treatment and recovery process may not understand the meaning of making living amends when it comes to sobriety. Making living amends is not just about apologizing to your friends and family. It’s also about showing them and yourself through your actions that you are dedicated to your sobriety.
Below are some tips for making living amends:
- Fulfill a promise you made to a loved one in the past that you could not keep at the time because of addiction struggles
- Leaving behind old habits that contributed to your unhealthy behaviors in the past
- Stay focused on your recovery and changing your behaviors for the better
- Find ways to help others, such as volunteering or helping with chores
- Make time for your loved ones and visit them more often
Making living amends requires effort and commitment. It is not enough to help someone only once or to reach out sparingly. If you want to show your loved ones and yourself that you are on a better path and making positive changes, you must continue showing up and remain focused on your recovery.
Enroll in Our Sober Living at Harmony Haus
In our sober living programs and services, we help members understand the root causes of their addiction so they can make lasting changes. Mending broken relationships helps the individual and their loved ones find healing and allows them to work towards a brighter future. Do not wait to get the help you need to achieve lifelong sobriety. Call Harmony Haus at 877.349.1544 or use our online contact form to get started on our recovery journey.