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What Is Crisis Care?

what is crisis care

Are you familiar with crisis management services — or are you someone that doesn’t need crisis care services? People who’ve never struggled with addiction or other troublesome behavioral or mental health disorders may not even know that crisis management services exist.

What is crisis care? It’s exactly what it sounds like. Sometimes, people diagnosed with behavioral or mental health issues — such as substance use disorders — may need immediate help dealing with symptoms that can be discomforting, painful, or bothersome to the public. That’s where crisis care services come in—searching for crisis care services in Austin, Texas? Contact Harmony Haus Sober Living today by calling 877.349.1544 or reaching out to our team online.

What Is Crisis Care?

Crisis services for behavioral or mental health emergencies may be provided in various approaches. The approaches tend to vary depending on your location. However, general concepts apply to most programs that offer crisis care services.

Typically, a behavioral or mental health crisis is a situation in which a person’s behaviors, emotions, and thought patterns can jeopardize themselves or others. A person dealing with an emergency like this can also be at risk of being unable to care for themselves — and any dependents — or unable to access food, clothing, and shelter. Crises also include acute conditions that could quickly deteriorate.

Crisis management services help people when they cannot care for themselves properly and could harm themselves or others. They provide assistance that gets people in crisis to a healthier, better place. For example, crisis management in sobriety could involve getting someone to a treatment center to undergo detox and then stabilize.

What Is Involved With Providing Crisis Management in Sobriety?

Crises for people struggling with substance use disorders usually happen due to someone relapsing. When this happens, the severity of the situation may be assessed according to the person’s mood, decision-making capabilities, and organization skills:

  • Mood: Is the person sad about the fact that they’ve relapsed? Have they mentioned self-injury or suicide?
  • Decision-making capabilities: Is their current intoxication or level of withdrawal clouding their decision-making capability? Can they make good judgments, or could they put themselves or others at risk?
  • Organization skills: Can the person safely take care of themselves and navigate their way back to their home?

Crisis care services may decide to leave a person in a treatment facility or a health center if their staff recommends medical attention. They can also escort a person to their home if they believe that they can take care of themselves or have a support system waiting for them at their residence.

Do All Addiction Treatment Facilities Offer Crisis Care Services?

Not all addiction treatment facilities offer crisis management services. But these services may also be offered by other types of health centers or even by a separate program.

In recent years, drop-in crisis facilities have appeared in various locations in the U.S. — often connected to addiction treatment centers or mental health centers. These facilities can range from a simple setup to a comprehensive center. Clients typically need to arrive voluntarily, but some also have mobile crisis teams, case managers, and police officers bring them, clients. Although they may accommodate most clients, they are typically transferred to a nearby hospital or appropriate facility rather than remaining in crisis management.

Mobile crisis teams are the ones who respond directly to reported crises. These teams are crisis professionals, typically social workers or therapists, who will immediately assess and try to de-escalate a situation. They may stabilize a person struggling with the crisis onsite and decide whether someone needs to be transported to get further treatment. Mobile crisis teams can operate independently or partner with the police or health centers. Frequently, a mobile crisis team can be accessed via police dispatch.

Ready To Learn More About Harmony Haus Sober Living’s Crisis Management Services?

If you’re looking for crisis care services in Austin, Texas, contact Harmony Haus Sober Living. Call 877.349.1544 or reach out to our team online.